Banned books and other forms of censorship

On the banning of books, censorship and other freedom of access issues

Friday, December 14, 2007

Pretoria High Court lifts ban on apartheid book

The Pretoria High Court has lifted a temporary ban on the book, White Power — the Rise and Fall of the National Party, by Christi van der Westhuizen. The temporary ban had been ordered at the behest of Eugene de Kock, an apartheid-era policeman who had objected to a passage which described him as eating and drinking for hours next to "a corpse they had set on fire." De Kock, who had been sentenced in 1886 to two life terms plus 212 years imprisonment for offences committed in the apartheid years, said the passage was totally untrue. Author Christi van der Westhuizen hailed the court's lifting of the ban as a victory for freedom of expression. (Source: